
Different Grade of Concrete: M20, M25, M30, their Mix ratio and Uses.

grade of concrete

What is meant by the Grade of Concrete? The grade of concrete is defined as the minimum strength the concrete should have after the completion of 28 days of the construction period with proper quality control. It is denoted by MPa, where M stands for Mix and MPa denotes the overall strength. For example, for […]

Different Grade of Concrete: M20, M25, M30, their Mix ratio and Uses. Read More »

Water Cement Ratio of Concrete: Importance, Formula, and Effects on Strength

water cement ratio of concrete

When it comes to concrete construction, one of the most critical factors in determining the strength, durability, and workability of the mix is the water-cement ratio (W/C ratio). This article will dive into what the water-cement ratio is, why it matters, how it’s calculated, and its effects on concrete properties. What is the Water Cement

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What is Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)?

Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)

In the field of modern construction, some materials like Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) have revolutionized the industry. From towering skyscrapers to strong bridges, RCC stands as the backbone of infrastructure across the world. Its unique blend of strength, durability and versatility has made it a preferred choice for engineers and architects. In this blog post,

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Workability of Concrete – What You Need to Know?

Concrete Workability

Concrete is a fundamental material in the construction industry, known for its durability, strength, and versatility. However, one crucial aspect determining concrete’s quality and ease of use is its workability. This guide will delve into the workability of concrete, its importance, the factors affecting it, and how to measure and improve it. What is Concrete

Workability of Concrete – What You Need to Know? Read More »

Types of Admixtures used in Concrete

Types of concrete admixtures

In the context of construction and concrete technology, an admixture refers to a material other than water, aggregates, cement, used as an ingredient of concrete, and added to the batch immediately before or during its mixing. Admixtures are primarily used to modify the properties of fresh or hardened concrete. There are several types of admixtures,

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