PWD full form – Public Works Department

PWD full form is Public Works Department

What is the Full Form of PWD?

The full form of “PWD” is “Public Works Department”. It is a department of the Government of India responsible for the construction and maintenance of public infrastructures such as roads, government buildings, bridges, water systems, and so on. It is the central authority in India responsible for all forms of public sector operations. The PWD is also responsible for providing safe drinking water to the city and repairing broken water pipelines. Furthermore, if any government schools, hospitals, or roads are damaged, PWD repairs them.

PWD operates in every state in India. It is divided into divisions, sub-divisions, and sections. It has nearly the same tasks and responsibilities in all states, such as designing and constructing all public projects done by the government, building and developing roads, safety and amenities on roads and highways, maintenance and restructuring of government buildings, and so on. The Indian military formerly did this sort of job. Later in the nineteenth century, responsibility for public works was transferred to a particular section of the Indian Civil Service.

PWD work is classified into four categories:

  1. Construction, Development, and Safety of Roads, Highways, Flyovers
  2. Construction and Maintenance of Government Buildings
  3. Drinking Water System
  4. Construction and Maintenance of Bridge

PWD Full Form in Medical

In medical terms, the full form of “PWD” is “Person with Disability”. The term PWD refers to a person who is affected by one or more types of disability and has long-term physical, intellectual, mental, or sensory impairments that interfere with his or her full and effective participation in society due to constraints.

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